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Vote NO to the Constitutional Amendment No. 1 this year

If you are for keeping your local school board in charge of local schools, vote no to the Constitutional Amendment No. 1 this year.

The Georgia Legislature determined that many of our schools throughout the state are failing. Shocking that they have awakened to this decade’s old problem! The Legislature’s solution for those failing schools is to terminate county authority for the schools and let the State run the schools.  This is a sad excuse not to approve charter schools which have proven to succeed where the previous school failed.  This is akin to the federal government deciding it knows better than our state on how to handle education.  Since the federal government became involved in our local education, schools have become more like daycare centers than the true learning centers they should be.  The local administrators have been handcuffed by the federal government in how to teach and how to discipline.  The State of Georgia is attempting to do the same here.  Local citizens recognize if one of their schools is failing and can take action by voting in new board members, demanding the firing of school superintendents, etc.

Whenever the State takes over a local school, the local citizens are relinquishing control to the State of Georgia over how the local school is run, what it teaches and how it disciplines its students. VOTE NO to Constitutional Amendment 1 on this year’s ballot.

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